How to store and take care of leeches
Leeches are delivered in zip bags filled with hydrogel. The hydrogel is a special medium that guaranteed safe leeches shipping. As soon as the leeches are received, place them in a clean, suitable container with sufficient new water. To keep leeches in a good condition after they have arrived please follow our rules concerning maintaining leeches after purchase.
Leeches in a zip bag filled with hydrogel
Colorless hydrogel balls
Place leeches in a clean, glass jar or plastic container filled with water to 2/3. Leeches are amphibious and like to crawl about so a lid is essential. Perforations are advised, but they must be very small because the elastic leech body is capable of going through remarkably small openings. A fabric cover tightly secured with a good, elastic band or string is useful.
Clear water that is free from chlorine is necessary for maintaining leeches. Avoid placing leeches in chlorinated water. Leeches are sensitive to substances such as chlorine, copper, and other chemicals. Non-chlorinated tap water in most areas is suitable for leeches. If you use distilled water or water has chlorine taste then you should add 1 tablet of HIRUDODETOX for 5 litres of water. HIRUDODETOX is a preparation developed by EURO-BION specially to detoxify water and adjust its parameters to the needs of leeches. The water is now ready for use. Keep the water clean. You should change the water every 3 – 4 days. Depends on quantity of leeches in a container. Once the water shows signs of becoming dirty or polluted, it should be changed. Do not overcrowd – no more than 20 leeches for 1 litre of water.
The optimal temperature for maintaining leeches is 5°C – 20°C . Avoid temperatures above (20 °C) and never place them in direct sunlight. You can keep leeches in a fridge or in a shady, cool place.
NEVER REUSE a leech on a second patient! Leeches which have been used on a patient should be disposed of by placing in a container with 7 – 40% alcohol, then disposed of just as other infectious waste is disposed of.